Courses Taught
Freie Universität Berlin
Introduction to Practical Philosophy
Philosophy of Action
Normative Powers
Douglas College
Philosophy of Mind
Environmental Ethics
Social and Political Philosophy
Values and Contemporary Issues
Business Ethics
Critical Thinking
Brooklyn College
Business Ethics
Introduction to Philosophy
New York University
Ethics (Primary instructor: David Velleman)
Public-Facing Pedagogy and Outreach
Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn
I was a teaching assistant for a Philosophy and Literature class for inmates at the prison.
Pedagogical Development and Support
Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow, LaGuardia Community College
I designed writing-intensive courses in collaboration with faculty across the disciplines, with a special focus on low-stakes and scaffolded assignments.
Writing Center Fellow, LaGuardia Community College
I worked with students in an individual setting according to the principles of Writing Across the Curriculum pedagogy on both their individual assignments and their writing more generally.

Zander Olsen, "Untitled"